Children's Ministry!Do you have Children? We have a Children's Director who leads a team of trained volunteers to minister to your child at their level, including nursery (ages 0-4) and Children's Church (Kindergarten thru 6th grade). You are welcome to use these ministries, or if you are more comfortable, you may bring them into the worship service.
Youth Group
Join MACN Youth Group for a thrilling time of growing in Christ! We are very involved in church services and meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and Wednesday evenings at 7:00.
Calling all WOMEN!!! We have ladies retreats...Bible studies... have wedding/baby showers... involved in church events... encourage one another... and most importantly serving others as God uses us!
Men's Ministry!
Join the Men's ministry group and have a great time learning more about God and encouraging one another in Men's monthly Prayer Breakfast, Wednesday night Life group, and even while we take adventurous Men's retreats!
Join the Men's ministry group and have a great time learning more about God and encouraging one another in Men's monthly Prayer Breakfast, Wednesday night Life group, and even while we take adventurous Men's retreats!
Senior Moments!